Book "The contented horse" out now

The new book on horse Welfare "Het Tevreden Paard" (The Contented Horse") has been presented to the audience at Hoefslag Horse Expo this weekend, in the Dutch city of 's Hertogenbosch.

The book (in Dutch) was initiated by Arnd Bronkhorst and it contains the vision of three Dutch experts on the subject of Equine welfare and the practical implication thereof. The three experts are freestyle trainer Emiel Voest, ethologist Machteld van Dierendonck and holistic veterinarian Eric Laarakker. Journalist Tessa van Daalen has written the book.

In 4 main themes; Buying a horse, Keeping a horse, Working with a horse and Sport with a horse, they explore the options to improve the horses welfare with simple means.

The Dutch Equestrian Federation KNHS, the foundation for the protection of animals "Dierenbescherming" and the foundation for horse-owners "Eigen Paard" have all endorsed this book.

The publisher of the book is Fontaine publishers.




