155.000 equestrian images, 13 photographers: ready for 2013!

First and foremost we wish everybody a merry christmas and a happy new year: client or no client, at Arnd Bronkhorst photography we don't discriminate! ;-) :-)

We're happy to have set some new records ending 2012 and going into 2013:
More than 155000 equestrian photos, by 13 photographers! The oldest images date back to the 1950's and soon we will be adding the first pictures of 2013 already.

Recently some new photographers have joined us, further enriching the photo library with their remarkable styles and subjects.

Lisa Dijk is a young photographer with lots of potential. At an age where I didn't have a clue what to do with my life, she has already developed her own style of photographing horses. She actively organizes photo-sessions to photograph special horses in free movement, of which multiple images can be found in our photo library already.

Marielle Andersson Gueye is a Swedish photographer who worked in Germany frequently. She has a ton of experience in photographing horses in freedom, and she does many photo stories on various subjects. She has also published a nice stallion book in Sweden.

Together with the other photographers they supply magnificent images to www.arnd.nl, each in a style of their own. This adds up to a wonderful collection of horse photographs, so you can find your favorite images 24/7/365.

The team of Arnd Bronkhorst Photography is looking forward to the year 2013: we expect it to be another great year!
Ilse, Irene, Tessa en Arnd wish you happy holidays. Our office is closed for the holidays, but we do answer your emails.

See you on January 2nd 2013!




