Browse by Number of items
 Person 8781
 Horse 13477
 Nationality 79
 Category 20
 Studbook 149
 Keyword 174
 Subject 833
 Location 1080
 Country 46
 Year 52
 Photographer 24
 Horse color 6
 Extra keywords 0
 News 455
Item Number of photos
 Argentina 139
 Australia 689
 Austria 2687
 Bahamas 258
 Belgium 8336
 Brazil 4493
 Canada 63
 China 6153
 Czech Republic 96
 Denmark 3005
 Dominican Republic 136
 Egypt 181
 Finland 1
 France 22390
 Georgia 144
 Germany 74305
 Great-Britain 6853
 Greece 1461
 Iceland 140
 India 338
 Ireland 285
 Italy 3931
 Luxemburg 191
 Mexico 178
 Monaco 18
 Morocco 369
 Netherlands 154967
 Poland 464
 Portugal 2202
 Qatar 449
 Romania 52
 Russia 1437
 Saudi-Arabia 29
 Singapore 14
 Slovenia 40
 South Africa 122
 South Korea 25
 Spain 5924
 Sweden 5820
 Switzerland 2667
 Syria 20
 Tunisia 38
 Turkey 123
 Ukraine 147
 United Arab Emirates 214
 USA 21206